A visit to the casual encounters section on Craigslist of Backpage offers a slew of escorts looking to sell their bodies, but smart guys avoid those sites like the plague, and here’s why:

Why booking an escort is a bad idea:

– Paying for sex is illegal It happens all the time and escort agencies try their best to skirt the letter of the law, but the bottom line is that paying for sex is illegal and you could end up on a registered sex offenders list if you get caught. That’s a bad idea.
– Escorts have STDs and use drugs Escorts don’t get into the game because they’re healthy and happy. They sell their bodies because they’re addicted to drugs or being pimped out. Plus, sex with that many guys means diseases are almost guaranteed.
– Many escorts are transsexuals and you won’t know until it’s too late Pictures can be airbrushed so if you book an escort through a place like Craigslist you might end up with a transsexual you didn’t want. Nothing kills your sexual buzz like a chick with a dick.
– Escorts will try and rob or extort you if they can Some escorts are high class and simply exchange sex for money but a huge percentage are just looking for money and will get it any way they can, including robbing you or extorting you if it seems possible. That sort of thing can quickly turn into a total nightmare.
– Sex with escorts simply isn’t good Escorts have sex for money, not for the enjoyment of it. In fact, having sex 5-10 times a day makes it impossible to have fun and that’s how often the successful escorts work. Even a few times a day takes the fun out of it.


Why sex dating is a better alternative:

– Sex dating is 100% legal! Two consenting adults looking for pleasure Sex dating involves bringing two people together that both seek sexual release. There’s nothing illegal about it since you’re not exchanging money.
– Sex dating is much safer than having sex with an escort The risks of going with an escort include her pimp giving you a beating, getting rolled and robbed, getting a bad STD, etc. Those risks are completely mitigated or much less with a sex dating site.
– You know what you’re getting with sex dating. Escorts often doctor their pictures and outright lie on escort sites to lure you in. On a sex dating site the girls have no incentive to lie so more often than not you know what you’re getting.
– Women on sex dating sites love sex! The ladies on a sex dating site are really into sex, unlike escorts who are just doing it for the money. The sex is guaranteed to be better, especially since sex dating ladies have experience and are passionate about sex.
– Ladies on sex dating sites are regular women that like to go wild For the most part the girls on sex dating sites live a normal life working a regular and often stressful job. They like to cut loose and they use adult dating to make it happen. They want casual sex because it’s a powerful release.
– No pimps to worry about. Pimps are a fact of life with escorts and they can make your life miserable in so many ways. When sex dating you don’t have to worry about them, thus lifting a load off your shoulders.