Choosing The Right Girl On A Sex Dating Site

When you join a sex dating site you’ll likely have thousands of girls to choose from, perhaps tens of thousands if you live in a big city and you’ve joined one of the big sites in the genre. You could email every girl and pursue the ones respond but most of us don’t have the time to spend days on end messaging girls they want to sleep with. If that’s your plan you’d be better off going with an escort agency and spend the rest of your time working to make money to pay for the escort. You need a way to target the girls that are most likely to respond to your particular charms.
There’s likely to be a particular type of girl that will respond to your particular personality quirks, etc, but this article is about more general advice that should help focus your efforts on the girls most likely to respond to any sexual overtures from horny guys. The vast majority of sex dating sites only let those that have paid for their memberships to write and respond to messages, which means there’s no point in writing emails to girls that are on free memberships (unless the site allows verified girls to respond even if they’re on a free membership, which is rare). If the site has a search function that allows you to only display premium members, use it.
Your search will likely start with physical attraction, as tends to happen on a sex dating site. You’ll visit the profiles of the girls you find sexy and want to sleep with, which is when you can dig a little deeper and weed out the ladies unlikely to respond. First, check the last time she was online. If it’s been more than a few weeks it’s not worth sending a lengthy message. Try something short just in case she’s not coming back. Also, if her profile is bereft of information it probably means she’s not really into it and will not respond. The girls that only give the briefest info and a few sentences in the ìaboutî section are also the girls that never get back to guys.

Once you’ve weeded out the girls unlikely to respond you need to weed out the girls that are scammers and escorts. Escort sites and freelancing escorts have expanded their efforts to sex dating sites because they have a captive audience. Thankfully most are up front about what they want and mention their desire to have sex for money. Then there are the profiles that seem too good to be true. These are the girls that talk about loving sex all the time, loving it in any hole, and wanting to do anything to get you off because that’s what feels good to them. There are many varieties of these girls but they’re almost always either fake, total scammers, or escorts trying to rope you in by hooking into that horny lizard part of your brain and refusing to let you go until you’re too deep into their net to get out. It takes a bit of experience to recognize those profiles but most of the time your gut will tell you that it just isn’t right and that it seems too good to be true. Even if you fail to spot it you’ll get warning signs along the way, like when the girl asks you for travel money, etc.
Once you’ve cleared away all the above profiles you’re left with the available pool of girls. From that point you simply have to browse the profiles and find the girls you respond to. As you read you’ll likely come across girls you respond to in a powerful way based on looks and personality and those are the girls you should message because they’ll likely respond to you too. Attraction on that level if typically mutually shared, so don’t be afraid to go for it. Remember, ladies love confidence.